Berlin Daily Sun Nov. 2016

BERLIN — Determined to provide a hat for each child at Head Start, Denise Palmer enlisted the help of several students to make that goal a reality.

In 2015 Berlin Middle School Family and Consumer Science teacher, Palmer along with her daughter Winnie Palmer made 10-12 hats and donated them to the children at Head Start.

Palmer wanted her daughter to have “giving to the community” as her legacy; so this year they decided to make one for each of the kids at Head Start. Throughout the year they were able to purchase enough fleece at Mardens and St. Vincent Thrift store to make each student a hat.

Since Palmer teaches family and consumer science, also known as home economics, they enlisted the help of eight to 10 eighth grade students to help with the process. Many of the students who helped with the hats attended Head Start and know others who have family there.

“It is a great thing for them to see the good of it all,” said Palmer.

Palmer believes strongly in having kids participate in acts of giving. In addition to the hat project, her eighth grade students make about 20 toddler quilts and donate them to Head Start, too. Several of the quilts will also be donated to local foster children.

Pictured in the bottom row from the left, Tyler Morton, Devin Labbe, Kelly McCormick, Cody Hilliard and Cassidy Dana. In the top row, Winnie Palmer, Shawn McCarthy, Lily Campbell, Bianca Price, Tyler Rousseau, Megan Heath and teacher Denise Palmer. Aubree Poirier was absent from photo. (COURTESY PHOTO)